This study was a double-masked, randomized trial of Optometric Vision Therapy (OVT) versus Placebo Therapy (no treatment)
The researchers compared changes in, and recovery of, binocular eye posture of normal young adults against those with symptomatic Convergence Insufficiency.
As is to be expected, the group diagnosed with Convergence Insufficiency had poorer initial findings for their habitual posture and adaption to prism challenge.
The Convergence Insufficiency group that was treated with OVT showed significant increases in the magnitude and rate of their binocular adaptation to convergence and divergence tasks.
The study concluded that Optometric Vision Therapy (OVT) is significantly better than doing nothing.
This study joins numerous studies that found OVT improves binocular function in patients with Convergence Insufficiency (see below).
43. Brautaset RL, Jennings AJM. Effects of orthoptic treatment on the CA/C and AC/A ratios in convergence insufficiency.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2006; 47(7): 2876–2880.
55. North R V, Henson DB. The effect of orthoptic treatment upon the vergence adaptation mechanism.
Optom Vis Sci. 1992; 69(4): 294–299.
74. Cooper J. Clinical implications of vergence adaptation.
Optom Vis Sci. 1992; 69(4): 300–307.
75. Thiagarajan P, Lakshminarayanan V, Bobier WR. Effect of Vergence Adaptation and Positive Fusional Vergence Training on Oculomotor Parameters.
Optom Vis Sci. 2010; 87(7): 487–493.