Amblyopia is best treated if in-office Vision Therapy is included

Recently published research from the BMC Ophthalmology journal;

Efficacy of Vision Therapy for Unilateral Refractive Amblyopia in Children

This study investigated the effectiveness of binocular Vision Therapy in children aged between 7 and 10 years with monocular amblyopia (one eye with blurry, suppressed vision).

In NZ the conventional treatment for Amblyopia is optical correction of the blur ( with spectacles or contact lenses) and part-time patching of the better eye.

This study found that if Vision Therapy is combined with those methods, a significantly better result is achieved.

The result is not only a better gain in vision, but also in shorter duration of treatment.

The results showed that visual acuity significantly improved with in-office Vision Therapy sessions (1 hour weekly for 3 months) combined with prescription glasses, patching therapy (4–6 hours per day), and at-home amblyopia training activities.

Here at VisionLink we provide in-office Optometric Vision Therapy sessions with our trained staff and our specialized equipment.

Our guiding principal is that it is better to build togetherness of the higher-level binocular functions than embed suppressive monocular function.

Phone to book an appointment to see if your child is a candidate for this enhancement of their Amblyopia management.

   BMC Ophthalmology
   Efficacy of vision therapy for unilateral refractive amblyopia in children aged 7-10 years
   BMC Ophthalmol 2022 Jan 31;22(1)44, YC Hsieh, WL Liao, YY Tsai, HJ Lin