Research published recently confirms why Behavioural Optometrists work so hard to reduce Amblyopia (Blunt Vision).
This was a small study of 16 patients with straight eyes, yet having one eye with Amblyopia (typically due to unequal focus of the eyes leading to suppression of the more blurred eye) called anisometropic amblyopia.
It looked into the impacts of this condition on their Quality of Life.
Recurrent themes that emerged from the discussion were:
- symptoms experienced
- concerns and apprehensions
- emotional impacts
- activity limitations
- hassle and inconvenience
- economic and career implications
The symptoms, reported in more detail, included;
- Glare
- Difficulty concentrating
- Concern about the safety of their better eye
- A sense of grief and disappointment due to poor eye care in childhood
- Guilt and regretful feelings were present in those who did not comply with past treatment
- Limitations in driving, reading, mobility (e.g., using stairs) and tasks requiring high resolution
- Inconveniences associated with coping with their eye condition
- Economic impacts ranged from costs associated with accessing eye care and management to career choices being compromised.
Even without strabismus (an eye turn), these straight-eyed patients with amblyopia experience many effects that do significantly impact their Quality of Life.