
Libby finds huge improvement with Irlen tinted glasses.

My daughter Libby who is now 15 has always had difficulty with reading text. Through various reading and support programs she has managed to maintain average marks - but it has always been a puzzle as she is a mature student who often shows above average ability. Six months ago we had her eyes tested again and as well as suggesting she could have prescription lenses we were also recommended to have her tested with tinted lenses. Consequently, she has been using her Irlen tinted glasses and has noticed a huge improvement in completing her school work. Also her recent exams results are markedly improved which Libby is delighted with. So we fully recommend Irlen as a process to follow up on if other learning processes are disappointing.

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My New Glasses are Cool

I would like to say that we have noticed an improvement in Maddison's reading since she has had her (Irlen) lenses. I feel Maddison is more confident in her reading and is reading more fluently since she has been wearing them. We are very thankful that we found out about Irlen syndrome.

Maddison says, "I like them because they have pink in them and people at school say to me that they like my glasses.

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'I haven't looked back since!'

Two weeks later I had new glasses and I haven't looked back since! I do still get the odd headache and migraine, but that would also relate to Vertigo which I have. It's so wonderful to go shopping for more than one hour and read 1/2 dozen pages. I'm even looking at a laptop which I would never have considered. I haven't been able to do any of these activities for 30 years.

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'The process of getting my Irlen glasses was easy and stressless....'

My Irlen glasses have helped me a great deal. They have made concentrating on schoolwork a lot easier and I am able to do longer school days (I am home schooled). The computer screen, which used to hurt my eyes, is now a breeze to look at! I can also read for pleasure again which I am very thankful for! I would recommend that children who are having difficulty with reading or with their vision are checked to see whether they could benefit, the way I and so many others have, from Irlen lenses.

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'Now that I have glasses, it's helping me at school.'

My name is Jordan, and before you gave me my Irlen Glasses my work at school was hard to do. But now that I have the glasses its helping me at school. They are very much appreciated and I thank you for giving them to me. The work is much better to understand.

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'My headaches and migranes have decreased a lot since I started wearing my glasses...'

I have spent my whole life getting migraines and severe headaches and I never knew why. In early 2009 mum took me to get my eyes checked and they were all over the place. She told me about Irlen and to go to the local Kip Macgrath centre to be tested where I was tested positive. I then went to Hastings to have further tests and find the glasses that I needed. At the time I was really nervous and didn't know what to expect, but I am glad that we found out because my headaches and migraines have decreased a lot since I started wearing my glasses (apparently one or two headaches a week isn't good still lol). It is so cool to not have the strain on my eyes anymore. School has been a lot easier as well I have a longer attention span and can work in the afternoons after a morning of reading. The one problem with it is other kids because they don't understand it so they joke around about it.

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'They help me read for longer and help me concentrate for longer'

Hi my name is Tim. I am 12 years old. I found out I had Irlen Syndrome when I went to get my eyes tested. I have had trouble reading since primary school and I have been going to special reading classes for my whole school life. Since I got my glasses I went up two and a half reading years in just two months. They help me read for longer and help me concentrate for longer. The words on the page are clearer, not fuzzy and I don't skip lines or miss words like I use to.

Thank you Vision Link for finding my problem before I got older and my learning was a life time problem.

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'My reading speed is 5 fold what it used to be.'

Throughout my schooling life I was constantly told by teachers I was slow! I was always the last child to complete written tasks and found that I could only read for short amounts of time which made reading tedious. Despite this I would hand in work of a high standard and had been put in and out of accelerate classes as I could understand the work but not complete the tasks given by teachers on time. I was diagnosed with Irlen Syndrome at the age of 22. I made enquiries after seeing an advert for Irlen while picking up glasses for a friend and I have never looked back. I wear my Irlen glasses all the time and have found that my reading speed is 5 fold what it used to be. I now know that I was never slow I simply needed 'to view the world through rose tinted glasses'

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No More Headaches!

Since I got my Irlen glasses I have been wearing them non stop!

I use them not only to help me read better, but also to do every day things and for work. For work I'm outside in the sun for up to 6 hours a day, before I had Irlen glasses I would often get headaches or even migraines, but now I don't get any headaches or migraines!!

People may look at me funny for wearing blue glasses (especially when it's not sunny out), but I don't care! The way I see it I'm getting the relief so I'm wearing my glasses.

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'My glasses help with my reading and writing.'

When I didn't have them it was slow now I am much better. They help change the colours and letters like what other people see and my world does not move anymore. Without my glasses red was pink, blue green and orange was yellow. I like being retested because the colours of my glasses change and I never know what colour I'll get next. They help change the colours and letters like what other people see and my world does not move anymore. Without my glasses red was pink, blue green and orange was yellow.

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