VisionLink Behavioural Optometrists provide research based treatment for convergence insufficiency, oculomotor dysfunction, spelling and reading problems, dyslexia, attention deficit disorders, Aspergers, Learning Related Vision Disabilities, Migraine and Acquired Brain Injuries and Sports Vision.
We are uniquely positioned to assist Visual Perception through the use of Vision Therapy, Irlen tinted lenses and Cellfield Intervention.
A Behavioural Optometrist is an Optometrist with extra training in binocular vision, Strabismus, Amblyopia and Visual/Spatial Perception. They are sometimes referred to as Neuro-Developmental Optometrists. Understanding Light, and the human-ness of that thing called Sight is a real challenge but Behavioural Optometrists have been doing this since 1930's and there is a lot of published research about it.
Behavioural Optometrists approach Vision from a different perspective to that of other optometrists and eye surgeons. You will learn a lot when you come to us.
We can help with "blurring words" despite “normal focus”, slow handwriting, loss of concentration, missing out words or letters when reading, reversing letters and numbers.
Kiwi's know that good things take time, so come to us, have the tests done without feeling that you have been "rushed thru", and you'll know what we mean when we say "we take the time!"